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Introducing Janus (SSH Agent written in Go)

Why this project I am currently using gopass to store and share my passwords. I was relying on GPG to handle the encryption side of the process. Then a colleague of mine introduced me to age. This encryption specification allows the use of SSH keys and specifically the ED25519 ones. I decided to make the switch and moved all my stores to age encryption. I am protecting my private key with a password and only loading it inside my agent. Read More...

Tagged dev , golang



Introducing Y2J (Yaml to Json converter)

This post is only to present a small project and the reasons behind it. Hope it can help other people. Why this project I am massively using jq in my shell scripts to deal with APIs. It is a powerfull tool and really help my day to day work. A few weeks ago I had to do the same kind of operations on a Yaml file, I started looking out there for alternative, and found some tooling which are translating Yaml to Json then push it to jq: here is an example. Read More...

Tagged dev , rust




I recently discovered Vue.js and I really liked it. You just have to add a script tag and you can start coding using this framework. After a few hours of development, I decided to use SFC (Single File Components) to separate business code from components. And I got a really bad surpise! In order to compile those templates I needed to use a build system (Webpack or Browserify). The tutorial is really good, but… Read More...

Tagged dev , javascript



Listing directory with wsgi

Recently I ran into an issue with my blog and pelican (the blogging engine I use). For some reasons (which I explain here) I had to develop a small wsgi app which act like the python SimpleHTTPServer. I tried a lot of things but they never worked as I wanted them to. So, I decided to do this by myself. Specifications Here are the features I wanted: Define a directory as the root (/) directory from which all the files will be served. Read More...

Tagged dev , python



Small docker project

I really like docker (even if I will look at [systemd-nspawn]( systemd-nspawn.html)), and also gulp. So I decided to create a small tool for serving a directory with a livereload. The repo is available here What I have learned Docker, especially with boot2docker (I am on MacOSX shame on me), is not really flexible: no evaluation for environment variables you can not store a variable through multiple run, you will need to do a oneliner e. Read More...

Tagged admin , bash , dev