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Shared Mount

I have Kubernetes at home. I use it for my own infrastructure and my own server. I will maybe start a series of post about it in the future. However, today I will speak about a really specific issue I ran into. For my Kubernetes cluster I needed to deploy a monitoring stack. I am using the now standard prometheus + grafana (and some others services) to handle this. To monitor my host machine I am using the node exporter project in a daemon-set and mount the entire host system in it so it can be monitored. Read More...

Tagged kubernetes , alpine



Bash process substitution failure

This is just a problem I encountered running my Alpine box, so I publish the fix for others to not loose time like I did. I had a software that came with a bash script and got a problem when I tried to run it. It was failing with the following error: fopen: No such file or directory I added the magical set -x line at the beginning to understand what was going on. Read More...

Tagged bash



Alpine on a Raspberry (part 2)

I had to buy a new raspberry (the old one did not survive :p), a version 3 A+. Now, I will go over again the installation process. Since I encountered a few new problems. Setup SD Card This is exactly the same as the previous version. So I let you check out the other article. First boot and in-memory setup Here a few changes, using a version 3A+ requires to setup the wifi. Read More...

Tagged admin



Alpine on a Raspberry

Lately, I decided to re-install my old Raspberry Pi (version 1, yes I’m that old) to create a small home server. Since I am using Alpine and liking it quite a lot, I wanted to install it on my new little toy project. I followed documentations and tutorials ( here and here) and finally succeeded. I am now writing it down so I remember what has been achieved. Setup SD Card This one was quite tricky because if anything is not exactly what is expected your raspberry will never boot! Read More...

Tagged admin



Start libvirt VM as unprivileged user

Quick post for starting a VM inside libvirt as a non-root user. Also contains some useful snippets. I want to start an alpine virt iso (from here) inside kvm through libvirt. But I am sick to run all my virsh commands prefixed with sudo. DISCLAIMER: This will contain some of my conclusions with my partial understanding of those tools. I am quite sure that all of this can be improved, but I don’t have time to invest on this for the moment. Read More...

Tagged admin , bash



Linux Mint 2

I recently messed up my laptop (do not play with /etc/apt/preferences too much!), and I had to reinstall my distro. I checked my previous article and noticed some missing informations. So here is a second article of things I needed to fixup when installing LMDE on my Macbook.


Tagged admin



Bash Shortcuts

Here is just a small reminder of common bash shortcuts for everyday use: Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on Ctrl + L Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command Ctrl + U Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line. Read More...

Tagged bash , cli



Linux Mint

After a long journey, I finally found the distribution which fits all my need: Linux Mint Debian Edition Why ? It is based on debian a distribution which I really like (and not Ubuntu). The default tilling (similar to W7) is really comfortable. Lot of configuration can be done for shortcuts. Support for systemd (Yay \o/). Beautiful UI out of the box (which I didn’t have with TWM). And a lot more Installation As I am on Macbook (once upon a time, I was young and dumb), I need a particular configuration of the partitions for the installation. Read More...

Tagged admin



Unable to find LVM volume... with LVM on top of Luks

Following this article I have LVM on top of Luks for my system. When I boot I encounter the following message:

  Volume group "vg_ssd" not found
  Skipping volume group vg_ssd
Unable to find LVM volume vg_ssd/lv_root

It appears that LVM is started before I open the crypted partition and display this error. To fix this we will manipulate the initramfs \o/.

The issue is in the file /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot


Tagged admin



Debian Install 3

Today I want to install debian on my personal server. And I want to crypt the FS using Luks, and add LVM on top.

I want it to look like that (like this scheme, a lot of reference come from the arch wiki


Tagged bash , adminsys