Not today...



Start libvirt VM as unprivileged user

Quick post for starting a VM inside libvirt as a non-root user. Also contains some useful snippets. I want to start an alpine virt iso (from here) inside kvm through libvirt. But I am sick to run all my virsh commands prefixed with sudo. DISCLAIMER: This will contain some of my conclusions with my partial understanding of those tools. I am quite sure that all of this can be improved, but I don’t have time to invest on this for the moment. Read More...

Tagged admin , bash



Git clone inside a mounted volume with Docker

DISCLAIMER: This is now fixed in git new releases and does not need to be done anymore. I use an old version of alpine in order to have an unpached version of git. I ran into an interesting issue lastly. I wanted to mount a volume inside a container and clone a repo in it. I also wanted to avoid messing with the permissions and pass my user to the container as well. Read More...

Tagged dev




Recently, I had to build some project involving a lot of files. Two choices were possible: use a script to build use a Makefile I ended up with a Makefile, which is the best solution I think. As the script has to generate a bunch of files from “source” files. (I have to confess also, I have been a bit influenced by jessfraz with those tweets: here and here) This project also learned me some tricks which can be reused, here is a little list Read More...

Tagged dev



Alpine iPXE

For a personal project I want to iPXE boot alpine. I did not found any step by step guide, so I ended up testing multiple solutions until it works. This post is a “copy” of the answer I made here for the project.

To fix this issue I used a bunch of thread and resources but here are the three main entry used:


Tagged admin



Docker Nspawn

Don’t want to use Docker? Still want to start containers for tests or whatever? Don’t want to install yet another software to perform this? Want to understand a bit of how all those things work? Great! I will show you how to boot a container from the internet only through systemd-nspawn Thanks to the CoreOS team (love those guys) a new hub for storing container now exists: quay. The other good news is the ACI, the container image format defined in the App Container (appc) spec. Read More...



Linux Mint 2

I recently messed up my laptop (do not play with /etc/apt/preferences too much!), and I had to reinstall my distro. I checked my previous article and noticed some missing informations. So here is a second article of things I needed to fixup when installing LMDE on my Macbook.


Tagged admin



Bash Shortcuts

Here is just a small reminder of common bash shortcuts for everyday use: Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on Ctrl + L Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command Ctrl + U Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line. Read More...

Tagged bash , cli



Curl utils

Here are some options and command I use with curl when dealing with stuff I have to develop. curl -si <ip> # -s is the silent flag, it removes the progress # -i displays the headers curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "admin:admin" -d '{}' <ip> # -X set up the http method (here POST) # -H set up an header, format is: "header_name: value" # -u support for Basic Auth, format is: "user:password" # -d set up data to send to the server I mostly use those options, the -s is really interesting when you want to grep the content. Read More...

Tagged bash



Libvirt through vagrant

I will not install VirtualBox! That’s all (nor VMWare, don’t be ridiculous). But I really like Vagrant, and use it every time I need something closer to a running machine. So, I dig up the internet and found that there is an unofficial support of libvirt. Installation I do not remember where I found the documentation to do this or if I did it by myself, so no link here, just what I do in order to make this work. Read More...

Tagged admin


Snippet Tuto

Gogs + Drone

Jenkins is everywhere now, but I really don’t like it. So I am looking at a replacement from day to day. I discovered Gogs an I though that a CI is also a good use case for the Golang language. And I finally found Drone (which was not really difficult as it is mentionned in a ticket on gogs github). So I decided to make them work together in order to test that. Read More...

Tagged admin