Not today...



Debian install 2

Tagged bash , adminsys

After many days of configuration, I finally complete the installation of my perfect “workstation” ;).


I have to directory for this, first the preferences, then the sources.list.

Just run an aptitude update, and you will some missing gpg keys, now run

apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver <key_number>

To have your keys installed.


A sudo file is important in order to correctly manage a computer, a simple aptitude install sudo will give you the tool.

Then uncomment the following line

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
%sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Then add your user to the group sudo gpasswd -a <your_user> sudo

install all the packages o/

Here is the list of packages I install by default, you can click on them to go to the proper section


First thing first, a computer is not a real computer without a good shell. So, I install zsh, then I change my default shell chsh -s $(which zsh), and to finish Oh My Zsh. I have a custom prompt which is placed in .oh-my-zsh/themes/. The promp is loaded in my zshrc file and some aliases are sourced for convenience.


I use vim for quite everything so I have some customization here. I directly install the gtk version in order to have support for the clipboard see here for the explanation.

First a .vimrc, the plugin system is based on Vundle. To install it just run git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim and vim +PluginInstall +qall

I also use a global editorconfig file to keep tidy the maximum of files.

Xserver, i3 and GTK

I use i3 for my window manager directly on top of X, all the configuration can be found easily on my github, here are the files used to configure my desktop.

  • The i3 config directory: here
  • The i3status config file: here
  • The gtkrc2 file: here
  • The settings.ini file for gtk3: here
  • The Xresource file: here

In order to launch X with i3 the following files are required in your home directory:

  • .zprofile is the first file automatically sourced at the login, it launch the Xserver for the session.
  • .xinitrc contains the configuration for Xserver, it loads the keyboard layout, initialize some properties from the .Xresource file (colors, fonts, etc…), and finally load the i3 window manager.

There is some issues with the dmenu provided by suckless-tools. In order to support xft font I have reinstalled it from the minos repository, mentionned here


For the notifications I use dunst, which is a notification service, it is started at i3 startup and will display in a configurable way the notifications from the system. It needs libnotify-bin to run, and has a configuration file


I have installed the Vertex theme, and the Awoken White icon pack.

For the last one some packages are required in order to configure it correctly:

  • imagemagick
  • zenity

I also use feh for managing the desktop wallpaper, it is launched at the Xserver startup from the .xinitrc file.


The versionning tool!

My configuration require here the two following files:

After copying those files you can create a rsa key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

And to manage the keys passphrase I use keychain in an alias

alias keychain_default="eval $(keychain --eval --agents ssh -Q --quiet id_rsa)"

It is possible to configure multiple keys, in order to separate some services. The archlinux wiki has a good article about the SSH keys management: here

Google Chrome

Why Chrome, and not Chromium? I had a lot of issues with Chromium, on flash, with google-talk and so on. It was too complicated and never works, I wasn’t able to figure out why so I give up on this


Docker is now vastly known by the community of developpers. For the moment, I do not think it is a good production tool. But, for the development it is awesome.

Simply install the package and add your user to the docker group sudo gpasswd -a <your_user> docker