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Introducing Janus (SSH Agent written in Go)

Tagged dev , golang

Why this project

I am currently using gopass to store and share my passwords. I was relying on GPG to handle the encryption side of the process. Then a colleague of mine introduced me to age. This encryption specification allows the use of SSH keys and specifically the ED25519 ones. I decided to make the switch and moved all my stores to age encryption.

I am protecting my private key with a password and only loading it inside my agent. I needed an easy way to decrypt files and found out this project when browsing the age repository issues. I decided to “fork” it and implements all the stuff I needed to make it usable.

How to use it

From the current repo, I just installed it under /usr/local/bin

git clone ""
cd janus
PREFIX=/usr/local make install

My current laptop is using Archlinux I just replaced my SystemD unit file with my new binary (previous version from Archlinux wiki):

Description=SSH key agent (Janus)

# Display required for ssh-askpass to work


Here a few useful commands:

  • You can activate this using SystemD: systemctl --user enable ssh-agent.
  • You can check the logs using the journal command: journalctl --user -fu ssh-agent.
  • You can add keys using the usual ssh-add command.

Also, Janus provides an ssh-decrypt command to perform decryption using a key in the agent. Here is a quick example to show how this works:

The tool has a lot of limitations. It does not handle stdin, this is why I am using a process substitution here. In this line, I am encrypting the string “foo” using my public key. I pass the result to the ssh-decrypt binary and it outputs back my string.

Further work

The tool is working as a beta for my current use case. However, I will need to add a few capabilities to the tool to make it properly ready. Here is a quick list, I hope I will bring it down shortly:

  • stdin input.
  • armor format support.
  • better logs (for the agent process and the decrypt tool).
  • options and documentation for both CLIs.
  • do the gopass integration, which is the reason why I started this project. You can track the progress on my fork.