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ssh, rsync and fswatch

Sometimes I just can’t work on a local environment (particular architecture, particular services, local configuration too complex, etc…). So, I have to synchronize my local directory with a remote one and test the web interface on my local machine. ssh First, ssh! For this I need a ssh connection to the remote server, here I use a particular ssh key. ssh -i ~/.ssh/my_ssh.key mylogin@ # urls also work ssh -i ~/. Read More...

Tagged admin , bash



Curl for REST

It has been a long time since the last post. But today, I will just show two tools I use for debugging my REST APIs. First one is the well known curl and the second one is jq. One important feature of curl is its hability to load external files for datas with @ before file name: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @filepath Then you can remove the progress bar by adding -s in the options Read More...

Tagged admin , cli , bash



Debian Install

That’s a fact: I can not install a new system without getting into troubles! So, here is a small tutorial in which I will aggregate the main issues I encountered and how I solved them. Creating a bootable USB key on a Mac # plug your USB key, then find it with diskutil list # unmount the usb key (it is mandatory), where X in diskX is the number assigned # to your USB you retrieved with the previous command diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX # if you are making a bootable usb key for a Mac run this command, # debian. Read More...

Tagged bash , admin