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Debian install 2

After many days of configuration, I finally complete the installation of my perfect “workstation” ;). source.list I have to directory for this, first the preferences, then the sources.list. Just run an aptitude update, and you will some missing gpg keys, now run apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver <key_number> To have your keys installed. sudo A sudo file is important in order to correctly manage a computer, a simple aptitude install sudo will give you the tool. Read More...

Tagged bash , adminsys



Debian Install

That’s a fact: I can not install a new system without getting into troubles! So, here is a small tutorial in which I will aggregate the main issues I encountered and how I solved them. Creating a bootable USB key on a Mac # plug your USB key, then find it with diskutil list # unmount the usb key (it is mandatory), where X in diskX is the number assigned # to your USB you retrieved with the previous command diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX # if you are making a bootable usb key for a Mac run this command, # debian. Read More...

Tagged bash , admin